The Power Of I Don't Know Feat. Frank Sesno

When Frank Sesno and Phillip Lanos spoke about his book Ask More; Frank shared his realization that the best questions are outcome driven questions. This came to him after speaking with many of the worlds greatest leaders. So the next time you have questions to ask - think about where you want to go first

Frank Sesno - Award-winning American journalist Without mystery to what he attributes earned Frank Sesno his success - it was his home life growing up that began to shape his personal philosophy of communication. From having a disability in the family and playing the role of mediator to being the student who asked about anything he didn't understand Frank's life is a testament to the power of a skill that slowly escapes us as technology becomes a large part of our life. To Reach this guest: Follow on Twitter: @franksesno


Building an AI Networking Tool That Keeps Your Contacts Organized and Secure: Insights from Zach Hamed of Clay


Content Is Actually Step 7 Feat. Joe Pulizzi